Seawalker / 海底漫步

Allow everyone to enjoy the marine life
with minimum equipment and minimum fuss!

1. After change into your swimsuit, then it's off to Seawalker station, it takes only 3 minutes from the beach.

2. Stay calm, our staffs will serve you well, and you don't have to worry about anything!
Fresh air is constantly supplied from a hose to the helmet
3. You go down the stairs to the bottom of the sea while seeing the wild fish surrounding you. 

4. Just walk in!
Our instructors will always accompany you during the activity.
Just relax and feel your closelyness to the nature
繼續步行! 我們教員會一直陪伴您的活動. 請放輕鬆與感覺海底自然態

5. With our unique helmet design, you can get face-to-face with the sea-life and be able to take a breathe the same as you do on the surface.
You do not even get your hair wet and also still can wear your glass or contact lenses
先用我們特別設計的頭盔,你可以直接面對面的海底生物,同時地面一樣保持順暢的呼吸.您頭髮將不會弄濕, 而且也照樣可以穿玻璃或隱形眼鏡


Q: Do I need to have a qualification to take part in Seawalker?
A: No - you don't need any previous training or experience
答: - 你不需要任預先的訓練或經

Q: Do I need to know how to swim ?
A: No - lots of our customers do not know how to swim. In fact for many, it is their first time in the ocean
答:不需要 - 我們的客戶很多不知道如何游泳。事實上,對許多人這是他們第一次來到

Q: Will some one be with me?
A: Yes - trained Seawalker instructors will be with you all the times underwater
答:是的 教練在海底裡會一直陪伴您身邊

Q: My children and I are not strong - can still do it?
A: Yes - the specially designd Seawalker helmets weight only 12 pounds underwater, so even children as young as ten can give it a try
問:我和孩子 我們還可以參加嗎
答:可以我們 特別設計海底漫步的頭盔只有12磅,10兒童都可以參加


1 comment:

  1. how much it cost for 2 person at dec 2013?
