Bali Rafting/漂流

《泛舟/漂流 峇里島的泛舟為熱門活動,位於烏布北部的愛詠河因地勢險峻、河水湍急,極富挑戰性,是世界級的泛舟地點,吸引各方好手來此挑戰極限。
許多泛舟業者也選出了較為普級的路線,也做好了安全措施,適合一般民眾闔家同樂,因此這幾年泛舟成了峇里島極為熱門的活動之,般泛舟行程約為兩小時, 沿途不僅可以欣賞峇里島熱帶叢林的風光,更可以深入大自然,建議你想要有趟舒適的泛舟之旅,最好穿T恤、短褲或是泳裝,配上雙運動涼鞋最佳
Puri Rafting
Ayung White Rafting
Puri Rafting offers its guests an exhilarating experience, get ready, wet, splash, paddle and join those with a sense of adventure for a thrilling river rafting challenge on the rolling rapids of Ayung River…

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  • 2.
    Lapama Rafting
    Telaga Waja White Rafting
    Back to Nature
    When it comes to adrenaline rush, we are the expert. Our adventure begins with a 5 minutes walk through aluscious village...

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  • 3.
    Bakas Rafting
    Melagit River 
    Bakas Levi Rafting which is well known as Baleraft is an amazing place which is offering many adventure sport activities and it is done and developed in a Village, it is called Bakas village, Banjarangkan Distrik Klungkung Regency…

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    Sobek Rafting
    Ayung White Rafting
    Sobek’s two hour, visually spectacular rafting trip down the Ayung River is made even more enjoyable and comfortable by the brand new industry leading, safety approved equipment…..

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  • 5.
    Sobek Rafting
    Telaga Waja White Rafting
    Another exhilarating product within the Sobek adventure portfolio is one that will simply take your breath away…..

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  • E-Mail us For special Rate :
    Phone : (+62)87897120035

    1 comment:

    1. 你好,這行程不懂遊泳可以嘛?
